Monday, 4 December 2017

Your Hidden Website Friend: Swiftinfos!

Mounted by the number of websites across the web, we understand the implications of detailed steps in designing a website.

Truly, Swiftinfos, a pioneer in web designing, develops the concept behind web based terminology. We, a web based company headquartered in the US, are on the hunt for evolving qualitative and quantitative web based projects that pacifies our visitors/clients.

Creating beautiful designs that conveys the message, but also helps in attracting readers has been our strength. A compelling content with relevant images is the catch. Nestled on the quantities of websites loaded each nanosecond, the internet often becomes a spectator in the delivery of information.

Nevertheless, we Swiftinfos, aim to bring out the best web based services prepared with a meaning. Glancing at our services would give you a brief on how we function and what requirements we outline for precise delivery of the concept.


§  Website Designing & Development
§  CMS
§  Social Media Optimization
§  Search Engine Optimization
Website Designing & Development

Designing a website at first may seem to be a tough ask. Overloaded with a bunch of information and images, you seem to be going nowhere. Don’t worry. Leave the trouble on us. Website Designs often takes more time and effort.

Building a website is not limited to designs but also to a compelling content. Getting aware of the designs and trends is beneficial, yet the effect is handy when the captions convey the message.

In order to avoid such incidents, we, Swiftinfos, ideate, create appropriate blueprints and outlines, layout plans, business strategies and implementation procedures. Hence, it’s an important deciding factor to design responsive websites.

 Responsive Websites – Meaning & Implementation

All Responsive Websites runs behind a philosophy of the design (the representation and layout) crafted to be adaptable as per the layout of the device. The widespread use of this type of design gains much importance in the competitive world.

Improving the Usability

We, a talented team of web designers, web based programmers, content developers and graphic designers help you in the design to be Responsive and adjustable according to the layout of the device used.

Probable Myths of Responsiveness
A popular belief and a myth that spurs is the making of a design responsive means fitting the entire application on the users screen.  However, that’s not the case. What can be or needs to be done, are:
§  Dropping of less important texts or information.
§  Reduce the number of processor heavy components.
§  Drastically reduce the textual content to important information only.

Some Challenges to Overcome
§  Development Time
§  Different Devices Remain Different
§  Different Devices offer  Different Interactions
§  Limited support of Media Queries.
§  Scalable Images lose intricate details.
§  Navigation Menus.
Some of the other challenges we tend to ignore apart from the ones listed above are:
§  Screen Resolution
§  Size
§  Readability  and
§   Navigability of the website.

How WE Overcome these Challenges
Testing a responsive website is the pathway for many benefits for an organization and the end users. So we work as a team to overcome these challenges that include unique testing environments, lack of automation framework and misleading designs.

Testing Environment
A plethora of Operating Systems itself pose a challenge to all web designers. Therefore, it’s not possible to determine the feasibility of each device.  Hence, tracers like Google Analytics help f you and stay guided at each step provided you remain up to date with Google and its services. Use of emulators, is another method for overcoming this type of issue.

Lack of Automation Framework
An automation framework is essential for the overall efficiency of a website. This type of framework lays down the rules for automatic testing of a product and its website.

Misleading Designs
Quite often designs crafted become of a source of misleading if the proper facts are not stated and outlined. Moreover, the duty of a web designer becomes overloaded with this term. Hence, we, an enthusiastic team rely on each other for help. That’s where the misinterpretation of information becomes reduced.

Responsive Behavior:
Building of responsive websites is purely not the aim. It should be open to the issues faced by the clients and adjusted as per their need. Hence, to avoid such cases, we at Swiftinfos, provide websites to satisfy the requirement and at the same time, provide an adaptable website as per the client’s device layout.

§  Simplicity: Navigation is the cornerstone of usability. Navigations are made simpler through websites with minimum clicks.

§  Clarity:  We don’t leave our clients or visitors guessing about the types of navigation that would confuse them.

§  Consistency:  We develop navigational menus and pages for proper navigation by the user and maintain a steady page structure for all website.

Designing Navigational Issues
§  Selecting Navigational Patterns: We, a strong team of developers and programmers, have page designing concepts based on the users need.

§  Prioritize navigation options: We, have a simple way approach to prioritize the navigation options through terms like high, low or even medium mode of navigations.

§  Visibility: Making a web page visible is utmost necessary. Minimizing all navigational options is one step towards website visibility. Hence, we with top notch programmers achieve this task by simple and clear approach.

§  Identify the current location: To identify the current location is the prime concern.

Links and Navigation Options
§  We apart from building links, we help you segregate the differences between internal and external links. All internal links should be opening in the same tab while the external links should be opening in a new window tab.

§  The color of visited links should change in color. We help you resolve this by users who unintentionally revisit the same pages.
§  Double checks by all our programmers help you build better.

§  Back Button ensures you the option to go back in exceptional cases.  We advise our visitors and users to avoid clicking the back button, thereby which brings them back to the top of the initial page.

§  Use of Breadcrumbs.  Breadcrumbs are a set of contextual links that function as a navigational tip on websites. Some of the cases where these are not to be used are:
o   Don’t use Breadcrumbs for as a substitute for primary navigation.
o   Don’t use Slashes as separators, use arrowheads to distinguish each level.
We help all users to search for required products through:
§  Search Boxes that are placed where users can easily locate.
§  Display the Search Box prominently on content rich websites.
§  Size of the input box is the decisive factor. We make it adjustable as per the need of the user.
§  Putting the Search Box on each page. We as part of the experts recommend you to place the search box on each and every page.

     Content Strategy
We a strong team of thinkers, influencers and writers, focus the aesthetics of the content needed. However, there arise some practical tips to improve ourselves considerably:
§  Prevent Overload of Information.
§  Avoid Jargons and industry specific terms.
§  Minimize long content section with lot of details.
§  Use of Capitals.
Page Structure
We develop a page structure that fulfills the following:
§  Making of the structure predictable.
§  Using a layout grid.

Flexible Images
We, develop instant strategies to resolve the use of images.  Each image has a dominant role in the delivery of entire information. We do the following methods to provide a website effective and meaningful:

§  We do image resizing with the concept of image optimization.
§  We enhance content custom layout structure.
§  We help you determine Media Queries with appropriate use of images and CSS3 based
§  We use Java script to implement and execute the best.
§  We use appropriate methods of Showing or Hiding Content factors for making all matter fit and readable.

Zoom in or Out
Our programmers and an experienced team of web designers, help you zoom in the content (that is. all Images, textual content, infographics and other matter) with ease. Please, this should not be misunderstood with the touch screen concept.

Although, the idea of touch screen generates a lump sum feedback, yet we don’t provide the same. The concept of responsiveness we do help all our visitors scroll up and down easily. This also helps in zooming in or out of any application or website on the mobile or laptop or other such devices.

What we advise all Readers/ Designers/ Programmers?
Please note that we on part of the Design Team, suggest some practical tips and  tricks to avoid from getting penalized from Google.
§  Mobile Friendly Tests.
§  AMP
§  Guidelines for Mobile web  Development
§  Responsive Web Basics( Huge of them summarized above)
§  Enabling of Deep Links for APPS
§  Google Algorithm Changes
AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)
A concept devised by Google to create fast loading mobile friendly web pages. AMP is a highly specialized way of making super fast mobile web pages.  We, Swiftinfos, help all users build on the goals of the AMP. 

AMP Elements
§  Google AMP Cache

Primary Objectives of AMP
We design web pages as per the concept of AMP by Google to improve:
§  User Experiences on mobiles.
§  Distribute content more efficiently.

How the concept of AMP makes a page load faster?
AMP undergoes the following for a better navigation by the expert team. Some of the probable factors are:
§  Lazy loading
§  Extensive usage of preconnect.
§  All asynchronized javascript
§  Inline Style Sheets
§  Instant loading
§  Google CDN
    Own JS engine

Benefits of AMP
§  Web Framework
§  Can work with an existing website
§  Works with static content
§  Focus on speed.
Visitor/Users effect of AMP
§  Helps in generating user satisfaction
§  Helps in conversion rates
§  Helps in Search engine ranking
Why Integrate your AMP with Google?
§  Helps in search at Google Searches
§  Google AMP Cache
§  Google Analytics
Ways to Monetize your AMP?
§  We Swift infos, considering the importance of Adwords create AMP landing pages for relevant configuration.
§  Monetize your AMP with a Click.
§  Creation of Ad compatible units and AMP Pages.

Social Media Optimization
Swift infos, greatly help in determining the search factors on the internet. Once the two below concepts have been optimized for:
§  The Search process is underway.
§  Google Search
§  We help you at every step in integrating Social topics to your website.
§  We determine the key to SMO as Search process in Google gets tougher.
§  We help you become a social animal through getting more leads and clicks with Social Media Optimization techniques
§  Use of Branded Cover images.

Search Engine Optimization
Ranking on the top through relevant keywords is what we and Google wants. Nevertheless, the concept of Search engine Optimization drives the factor for search results. Depending on the necessity of keywords and their usage, we help you search for more.

Benefits gained
§  Searching for products become easier.
§  Pulls in the  required traffic
§  Increases sales and leads
§  Builds on trust and credibility
§  Increases brand awareness and equity
§  More PPC
§  Increases your traffic referrals
§  Drives offline sales.
§  More effective than paid ads.
§  Helps you gain in the competitive market.
§  Increases in the business value
§  Overall ROI is increased.
§  Best PR Strategy.
§  Followers’ lists are increased.
§  Increases blog traffic.

To pen down the company Swift infos helps all our visitors and users through effective means of delivery of important information. If at all, you have any queries related to Swiftinfos services, please write to us at theaddress below or email us at:
Swift Infos
Karikkath Lane, Thrissur
Kerala, India
Phone: USA - 904 - 418 - 8409 , India - +91 9847646001